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Pachyderms on rampage in Orissa. Animals like feral cows, wild boars cause severe damage to standing crops |
The Indian farmer faces many problems all through the year in growing his crop. There are nature’s unpredictable turns, spiraling prices of commodities, corruption at various levels in the administration which sour his dreams many times, and to add to his woes are wild animals, which ruin his crop, forcing him to shift his entire cropping pattern. The problem is not restricted to any particular region of India. Farmers all across the nation are facing the heat of it.
Because of these animals, many crops including pulses are being grown on smaller scale and farmers are ‘likely to stop the production’ of many such crops if any serious measures are not taken by the ruling governments at states and at the centre.
Animals not only destroy their yields but also take toll on human lives. There are large numbers of casualties, which are being reported by media, where man-animal confrontation is acquiring alarming proportions and for this, reasons may vary from industrialization to climate change.
Recently, monkeys became political issue in Himachal Pradesh when farmers made it compulsory for contesting politicians to listen to their problems.
Monkeys in Himachal Pradesh have become a serious problem. They come in large groups and destroy crops. They even attack people. The problem became so serious that state government officials allowed permits to kill these menacing simians. Conservative estimates put the loss at Rs300 crore to Rs450 crore in the horticulture and agriculture sectors, and if the watch and ward of crops is included the loss goes up to Rs1,500 crore a year.
A K Gulati, Chief Wildlife Warden said, “Man-animal conflict exists from time immemorial. In Himachal Pradesh, Monkeys have become a major problem for farmers in the state, though there are other animals as well which damage the crops. Population of simians must be contained; they are more than 4 lacs and increasing.”
On government’s measures to curb the menace, he added, “Forest department is on extensive sterilization drive of monkeys. 32,000 monkeys have been sterilized in past four years. In 2010 alone, over 15,000 monkeys were sterilized.”
He opined that in next four to five years the situation would be very much in “control”.
On the permitted killing of wild animals, he said, “under section 11 of The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, any wild animal which has become dangerous to human life or to property (including standing crops on any land) by order in writing and stating the reasons therefore, permit any person to hunt such animal or cause such animal to be hunted.”
According to him, 300 permits have been given to farmers. However, when asked about the number of hunted monkeys, he told that only 15 simians were killed.
The wildlife wing of Himachal Pradesh estimates that over 900,000 farmers mainly in Shimla, Solan, Sirmaur, Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Una, Mandi and Kangra districts were affected by wild animals. Monkeys, numbering over 400,000, mainly target cereal and fruit crops, causing extensive damage.
Agriculture is the main occupation of the people in the state, providing direct employment to 69 percent of its workforce.
Experts in the field state various factors responsible for the rise of such incidents. Dr. G M Wani, Retired professor of Sher-e-Kashmir University and an active wildlife activist says, “The problem largely lies in the encroachment of forest and forest land. Man-animal encounters are increasing due to diminishing forest cover and officials have failed to address the matter properly.”
In Agra’s Bah tehsil, which is one of the major producer of Arhar and mustard, farmers, are growing arhar in fewer acres because of feral cows. These cows roam in big herds and attack standing crops. Yatendra Singh, a farmer of village Fatehpura says, “We have to sleep in the fields to save our crops from these cows. They are many thousands in number and come in large group. If once they pass from anyone’s field, crop of that farmer is sure to be destroyed.”
Other farmers of this area echoed the same concern. This area touches notorious valleys of Chambal and is considered unsafe. Still these farmers sleep out, away from their homes only to save their crop that they grow after toiling hard for days.
Khairagarh, another tehsil of Agra, faces similar problem of feral cows and nilgais. N K Janu, Divisional Forest Officer, Agra says, “Loss of habitat is a prime reason for the occurrence of these events. Pastureland in these areas has diminished and wild animals like nilgais are coming out from forests to these areas in search of food. Improper animal husbandry practices are also responsible. The problem is acute in khairagarh because domestic animals like cows are left open once they stop producing milk. Number of these cows is in thousands and they ruin entire crop of the area.”
He further added, “Income level is going down in this area because people are largely dependent on agriculture. The problem has one peculiar angle as well. People don’t want to get their daughters married in these areas because of it.”
However, there are large numbers of crop damage reports, but forest officials say that not a single animal has been killed in this area.
Manish Tyagi of Rahlai village, which falls under Khairagarh tehsil shares more on the problem, he said, “Nilgais and cows pose grave threat to the farmers of this area. Crops worth many thousands are destroyed every year because of these animals. People can kill nilgais but killing a cow becomes a religious matter, so nobody dares to take action against these cows.”
During the summer time, people from Rajasthan come with their cows and other animals to these areas in search of food and water. People of Khairagarh tehsil keep a close watch on this stay awake in groups during nights to keep these animals away from their fields. Because once these animals pass from any field, crop is destroyed in few hours time.
On the overall decline of pulses and other crops in Uttar Pradesh, L S Katiyar Joint Director(Pulses) says, “ The problem is acute in many parts of UP. Nilgais particularly target peas and arhar. In the terai region of UP which shares its border with Nepal faces acute problem. Wild boars and feral cows are two culprits behind the crop damage there. Farmers of this region, have stopped growing potato and other root crops because, wild boar destroys almost entire crop.”
On the production of pulses, he said, “Production of pulses has gone down in Kanpur, Etawah, Agra and Farrukhabad region. Farmers have shifted to other crops because of losses.”
Feral cows are a serious problem in many parts of UP. Farmers of Balarpur village of Mainpuri district have guava orchards in most of their farms. Feral cows, which come in large groups, do extensive damage in these orchards. Now many farmers have started cutting these orchards to shift to some other crop in which losses are lesser. Even production of maize has gone down in this district.
In Orissa, elephants destroy properties worth many thousands every year. Official statistics show that at least 600 people were killed in animal attacks, especially elephant raids, in the state between 2001-02 and 2009-10. The government had disbursed more than Rs 4 crore as compensation to the families of the victims during the period.
Elephants caused the worst damages during this period taking a heavy toll on crops and property. Apart from destroying crops in 32,195 acres, they also damaged 5,680 houses across the state. The state government had to shell out more than Rs 1.17crore as house damage compensation to the victims.
Elephant attacks have been most frequent in Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj districts but villages on the outskirts of the state capital have also suffered enormously on account of pachyderm attacks.
The perception that there are any over-abundant wildlife populations is not well founded. The notion of abundance is based on the fact that wildlife causes widespread damage to human interests, not based on their numbers.
The reality is that wildlife is not at all abundant outside a few high profile protected areas; it only looks abundant on the basis of the damage it causes to our crops, property and life. Only populations of a few species, namely nilgai, wild pig and black buck, which live on agricultural lands, or close by, are seen as abundant. Even these species are not abundant as their density in and around these croplands is far lower than their density in managed forests.
Experts are of the view that whether these populations are abundant or not, they live off the agricultural lands, causing huge losses to the rural economy. The food obtained by the animals from the agricultural lands is clearly the cost of conservation that should be borne by the government, not by the poor farmers. It is clear that conservation comes at a cost but the costs are distributed unevenly in the society. The government bears the limited cost of maintaining the staff and developing the infrastructure.
In the southern states, the problem is very acute because forests cover in this part of India is thicker than other states. In the state of Karnataka, elephants are one of the wild beasts, which destroy crops of the farmers. Maximum damage is in sugarcane. In 2010 alone, elephants from Bhadhra Tiger Reserve ruined over 14% of the crop of nearby villages. Karnataka has about 6000 elephants in its various forests.
DCF Bhadra Wildlife division says, “The problem was acute in the past; however there are fewer reports of such incidents in the area. If any such complains reaches us, we assess the damage and compensation is given in few days. We have shifted 10 out of 16 villages out of the reserve. Now sometimes one or two elephant reaches out to the farms and damage the crop. In that case, farmers are compensated immediately.”
In Tamilnadu, areas bordering Nilgiris forest range is quite vulnerable. Elephants, bison and wild boars do extensive damage in nearby agriculture lands.
S. Subramaniyam, DFO Nilgiris North Division tells more, “Elephants in this part damage crops, particularly sugarcane and banana. Though, we have taken many preventive measures including solar fencing, Elephant Proof Trench and chain fencing, but what we advise farmers that they should not grow sugarcane and banana in the farms which are very near to the forest.”
Speaking on man-animal conflict, he said, “The natural inhabitants (tribals) know how to live with these animals because they are living in the wild for past many centuries. Now people from plains have started coming in to get employment and land, the number of incidents has increased. Tea and eucalyptus plantation have snatched habitat from these wild animals so now with no other choice they roam around in search of food and destroy crops. ”
Another forest rich state rich state Uttrakhand faces the problem of man-animal conflict in large numbers. Paramjeet Singh, Wildlife Conservator shares more, “Man-animal conflict is a regular routine in the state. Resentment resides with the damage episode. Entire state is sensitive but we have divided the regions in three parts keeping sensitivity in mind. Tehri and Chamoli areas are the most sensitive areas, Garhwal is medium and Nainital and Rudraprayag are very sensitive. The main animals which damage crops are wild boars, blue bull and monkeys.”
According to forest officials, 327 persons have been killed and 828 were injured since the formation of the state. Elephants have killed 87 people in the state. In case of casualty, the ex gratia amount is Rs 1 lac and crop compensation is provided after assessment.
In central India, Madhya Pradesh farmers face the dissension of feral cows, black buck and cheetal. According to the forest department officials, areas bordering Bundelkhand are severely affected by Nilgais.
Dharmendra Shukla, CCF says, “Animals which do extensive damage to the crops are nilgai, black buck and cheetal. These are the animals, which roam out of the forestland in search of food and in turn destroy crops in many parts of the state. There are various factors accountable for the problem but mainly problem lies in diminishing forest cover. Now more and more land is going under cultivation, which snatches food and shelter from these animals.”
It is obvious that the actual damage to crops, coupled with the opportunity cost of protecting the crops is so high that it deserves a serious attention of the government and the society. Equally serious is the loss of quality of life of the people of the vulnerable villages in terms of lost comfort and sleep. Spending close to 100 nights, year after year, perch precariously built machans in cold and wet weather must be a very exasperating experience.
It is obvious from the above that wild animals, both herbivores and predators are a serious issue in the lives of the rural people, especially the tribals and other poorer sections. While predators have to pay the price in terms of poisoning, snaring and electrocution deaths, crop-raiding populations are also in serious danger of being exterminated through poaching by locals as well as professionals.
Unless serious efforts are made to control the prevailing conflict, these populations are likely to be wiped out in the near future. Therefore, the management of these populations should deal with the problem of crop raiding and the conservation of these species as well.
The very surprising fact is that many of the states have not done any survey to address the problem. Neither they have any collected data of incurred losses by these invading animals. Famers of many states cry foul for the “inactive” role of administration in addressing the issue. Some states have proper mechanism to deal with this problem but many other have none.
On the compensation front, some states are quick to release relief funds but this is not the case in many other states. In UP, though crop damage by wild animals is quite high but officials of the Agriculture department says that there are no “complaints” in this regard, therefore no funds are released for crop damage.
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